the Maxwell's

the Maxwell's
Us at Easter 2012

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

We have had some awesome times at the shore over the years. Today I was thinking about it a lot because Josh and I were gonna go but the weather was not going to be nice. Often I find myself thinking over all my summers spent at the shore with my family. This pictures proves that even in the early 90's OCNJ was the cool place to be. Man my mom's hair looks good. I'm sure when my brothers sees this, he thinks about all the summers he was stuck sleeping on the floor or on a cot because there was a lot more family then there were beds in the house. My sisters, cousins and I can remember the attic where we slept four to a bed. Oh man those were some good times.
Then we can move forward many years to the year I graduated from High school and we went to the shore right after with my immediate family and my oldest sisters husbands parents.... that was awkward at all. What made it so bad was that we were stuck in the house at all times! We did venture out and played wiffleball in the rain on the beach. But this picture was taken on the last day when I had Olivia wrapped up to keep her from the chilling wind.

And then there was last year with the family photo time. Who's idea was it to take a picture on mom and dads bed? Well.... we all know how that ended.
This is a fun one of me, josh, jess, and josh (wow us Entwistle girls aren't very creative in picking guys with cool names....)

Then that brings us to this year. Josh and I have been down twice so far. This past time we had the opportunity to hang out with Avery!!! Oh Ang and Andrew were there too. She did such an amazing job. As much as I want to be fair to both family's.... She has a true Entwistle beach quality about her. This just gets me to thinking... when will all of my nieces and nephew(s?) be able to play on the beach together??? Till then....


J. Entwistle said...

I never enjoyed the luxury of a was an air mattress. And i recall being woken up by a spill drink, someone wanting to watch TV in the morning, and general loud breakfast-making family members. Ah, the good-ol-days. Nice pics

The Hulfish Family said...

Thanks for including Andrew and I in the people who were with you and Josh and Avery last weekend! I can't wait to go down again, The shore will always be where great family vacations happen!

Jess said...

We are coming to the shore in August! Josh won't be there - but the kids and I will be! Oh, and by the way, our husbands names are the BEST, just goes to show that we have good taste.