the Maxwell's

the Maxwell's
Us at Easter 2012

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Life in Black and White

The other night I couldn't fall asleep. You ever have one of those nights when you just can't turn off your brain? Well, that was my night. Something that kept swirling around in my head was my love for Photography. I really do love to look through the lens of my camera and being able to focus on a small portion of God's beautiful creation. I feel as if it is a gift that he has given to us so better appreciate His gift of creation.
Sometimes I think about what it would be like to sell come of my pictures, but then again would I really want to put myself out there like that? It's one thing to post them and have people say how much they like them or how cute my son is. But to put a price on them and to see if some one would like them enough to buy one is very nerve racking. It's like I would make myself completely vulnerable. I don't know if I am ready for that.
I just feel like my Photography is my perspective in life. It's how I view where I live and what I love. Someone could go to the same place as me but take completely different picture. That's one of the beauties about what I love to do.
A few months ago I really fell in love with Black and White Photography. I thought that was a little funny given that photography was originally all take in black and white. Now we have wonderful digital cameras that can magnify colors, and yet I wanted to take pictures in black and white. So I created a little project for myself. I wanted to photograph parts of my life in black and white. Putting my fears and nerves aside I want to share them with you. It's pretty self explanatory.... so here goes.

1 comment:

The Hulfish Family said...

Cor- these are really great!! I would pick a favorite, but I can't - the rings, hugo. . .Joshua always tops the list! You do have a great gift :)