Avery at Joe and Lori's wedding shower... thats right it's a shower not a shin dig. It was amazing having like 11 kids 5 and under. At least we had a good adult to kid ratio. To look at pictures of when i was a baby with all of my cousins and now to be one of the adults taking care of all the kids, oh how times have changed. We missed you Lawrence family!
The Christmas trampoline. The fact that Jess and Josh's kids have more energy then the sun, we thought the trampoline would be great for them. the kids were so excited and they handled not being able to open it right away. My parent will be driving it out in the spring. The kids had just as much fun just jumping on the box. When they do get the trampoline up and running, we'll have to pray for safety! no hospital visits!!!
Jonnie is such a good dog. (as is Doc) but my dad was so cute laying with Jonnie. He's such a big dog. To look at him it could be a scary dog, but he is so gentle dog. He loves people and really cares about them. When my brother left his dogs with my parents christmas day, you could see how sad they were because their mom and dad were not around. But then they get attached to my brother-in-law josh and jonnie would follow him around. It's so nice to have a well trained and caring dog. I can't wait till josh and I get a dog and have an opportunity to train it and make it part of our family.
the long awaited family photo.Let's just hope that the number of people in the picture doesn't get any bigger any time soon. My parents house can't handle much more! So where's Christmas going to be next year?
Your family picture I think is one of the best ones taken. It was so fun to all be together! I wsh we still all lived close so we could be togther more.
I have to say Corrie--that baby looks good on you. :)
nice pics. We had a really good time too; we missed Jonnie & Doc on Christmas day, but we were glad that our family loves them and likes taking care of them. So, when are you going to come to VA?
Love the pictures....I especially love J's flipflops in the family photo!!! Thanks for missing us!! We missed you all as well! Hope to see you soon.
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