It absolutely amazed at the amount of love that pours out of me for my son. He is so amazing. I know that everyone thinks that their kids is the best, but I think my son is pretty awesome. In these few short weeks I have already learned so much about him. First of all, he loves to sleep. Most newborns do, but he REALLY likes it. In the afternoon he has what I call "a noise nap". He will lay completely still for an hour and then for about a half hour he'll make noises and ball up his fists but he is still asleep. Then about 10 minutes before he makes up he has a nice big poop. And boy, does my son poop. Today I had someone ask me if he has ever peed on me while I was changing him. Thank goodness it has only happen once. Well, right at that moment he poops!!!! All over his nice clean outfit. Hope that's a one time thing.
I love his awake time. It's becoming a little longer everyday. He loves to look at lights but doesn't like it when the sun is in his eyes. He makes the funnies faces. He likes to be read to. I try to sing and read to him every night before I lay him in his pack-n-play.
On the other hand, there is still so much for me to learn about him. He is so much a mystery. I can't wait to get to know him better. It amazes me, that I spent nine months carrying him, 13 hours laboring, and now almost three weeks getting to know him. I pray everyday that God will keep him safe. That he will help him grow into a strong, godly man. And that I, as the parent, will not get in the way of what the Lord has planned for him.