the Maxwell's

the Maxwell's
Us at Easter 2012

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
GOD IS GOOD. I'm sure all of you know that but it's something I want to shout from the mountain top. I could list everything that he has done for us in the past year, but I really want to focus on what he has done for us in the past week.
One thing I have been struggling with for a little bit is the feeling that when I do something "good" for God I should get something in return. As humans we may feel that God is obligated to give us things. Then we are shaken into reality and remember that God is a gracious God by not striking us dead the first time we do something. This past week has been a great opportunity to remember that God is good and it's not about what I want but what he wants for in my life.
This past week has been a faith building week. On Wednesday morning I woke up to a pile of water on m kitchen floor to later discover that it was coming from the ceiling over our hot water heater. Water was everywhere. So, on josh's day off, I had to wake him up so we could figure out how to make it stop. After a while of trying Josh figured out how to turn it off and where the water was coming from. A pipe going to our swamp cooler (the unit on top of our house to cool it in the summer)had burst. To get a better look josh went over to our friends house to get a ladder. On his way back the ladder broke his back window! BAM!!! It was gone. Knowing that the pipe and the window both needed to be replaced, we knew that we would not have enough money to fix them both and take our vacation to NJ. Like I said, this all happened on Wednesday and our flight was scheduled to leave Tuesday morning. I had to make unpleasant phone calls to y parents telling them that we would not be able to go due to everything that had happened. I spent 90% of the day in my P.J.'s with my hood on my head crying. I was so devastated. I felt like it was all my fault and I was so mad at myself. While all this was going on I knew that God was in control and that if He wanted us to go then he would provide a way for it to happen. I knew that nothing was beyond Him, but I didn't want to sit and wait for him to make something happen. My prayers were all about peace. Peace that if we were not going to go then my heart will be at peace and that I would still enjoy this holiday and remember that this is not about me or about what I want, it's about the best gift that God could give. I was also praying that the tears would stop. I hated crying in front of Josh.
On Wednesday night I have a girls bible study at my house and Josh has "man group" with a bunch on men from our church. I had a great bible study. We didn't have a ton of girls show up so we just sat around and talked. It was just what I needed. A good time of fellowship. Josh had a good night as well and was able to share with the men what had happen.
"Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." I was not prepared for these flood gates. Josh was fantastic and did so much number crunching and did everything he could to comfort me. I have such an amazing husband. BLESSING!!! Joshua is growing and healthy and had adjusted very well to our busy schedule. BLESSING!!! On Thursday Josh got a call from one of them men from man group who told him that we needed to call him when we were going to get the window fixed because the men from man group put some money together and wanted to pay for the window. I also was told by a friend of ours that they would take the car and get the window fixed while we were away and they would pay for it and we could pay them back whenever. BLESSINGS!! I was getting constant phone calls from family and friends telling us that they were praying for us. BLESSINGS! I was talking to a friend of mine on facebook and she wanted to know where we banked because she and her husband wanted to give us a monetary gift. BLESSINGS!!! On Sunday a member of our church handed him an envelope of money. BLESSINGS!!! God did answer part of my prayer and he did give me peace. He gave me so much more then peace. He did not, however, answer my no more crying prayer because I couldn't stop crying tears of joy. He has opened his floodgates with blessings.
Even now, as I am sitting in the hotel room when I should be on my way to my sisters house in NJ, I know that God is still pouring out his blessings on us. We were able to stay in a really nice yet inexpensive hotel were Josh has a gym where he can workout and where we can park for FREE while we are away. BLESSING!!! We were also able to secure our seats for our flight tomorrow morning. BLESSING!!!! In the afternoon the weather said it was going to rain/snow tonight into tomorrow. As of 30 minutes ago the weather has changed to NO rain/snow at all.
God is in control! I know that, if it was the Lords will for us not to go, I know that he would still bless us in every way. YES I am extremely blessed this time around because God blessed me with what I wanted.

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Life in Black and White

The other night I couldn't fall asleep. You ever have one of those nights when you just can't turn off your brain? Well, that was my night. Something that kept swirling around in my head was my love for Photography. I really do love to look through the lens of my camera and being able to focus on a small portion of God's beautiful creation. I feel as if it is a gift that he has given to us so better appreciate His gift of creation.
Sometimes I think about what it would be like to sell come of my pictures, but then again would I really want to put myself out there like that? It's one thing to post them and have people say how much they like them or how cute my son is. But to put a price on them and to see if some one would like them enough to buy one is very nerve racking. It's like I would make myself completely vulnerable. I don't know if I am ready for that.
I just feel like my Photography is my perspective in life. It's how I view where I live and what I love. Someone could go to the same place as me but take completely different picture. That's one of the beauties about what I love to do.
A few months ago I really fell in love with Black and White Photography. I thought that was a little funny given that photography was originally all take in black and white. Now we have wonderful digital cameras that can magnify colors, and yet I wanted to take pictures in black and white. So I created a little project for myself. I wanted to photograph parts of my life in black and white. Putting my fears and nerves aside I want to share them with you. It's pretty self explanatory.... so here goes.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Mason Anderson

Most of you already know this, but I love photography. I have had the opportunity to take pictures of my nieces and nephews through out the years and now I have my own son to torture with home made photo shoots. I have also been able to fall in love with the desert by taking pictures of it. The sunsets here never get old out here.
Today I had the opportunity to take pictures for my good friend Kendra of her 4 week old son Mason Anderson. I thought I would give a little preview of what I took today. Hope Andy and Kendra like them!!!